Common Bugs in Idaho

mom and daughter laying in grass

There are a lot of insects and other pests you may encounter while living in or visiting Idaho. While some of the bugs you may find in any state, some are only native to our great state. Common insects in Idaho include:


Idaho’s ants come in many shapes and sizes, but the most common types found in homes include:

  • Carpenter ants
  • Little black ants
  • Raspberry crazy ants
  • Pharaoh ants
  • Odorous house ants
  • Pavement ants. 

The best ways to keep ants away are to keep your home clean and minimize moisture. Simple ways to make your home less attractive to ants include cleaning up after meals by doing the dishes right away, wiping down counters, and sweeping crumbs of the floor. If you just have a damp basement, investing in a dehumidifier could be another route to drying out the space so ants are less attracted.


These bugs trigger disgust among humans like none other. Three main species of cockroach are found in Idaho include:

  • The German Cockroach - Tan to light brown with stripes on their backs. They are the most common roach in Idaho (and worldwide).
  • The Brown-Banded Cockroach - Brown and with visible bands across their wings (hence, the name), these roaches prefer warmer and drier areas than other species, hanging out in places such as cupboards.
  • The American Cockroach - A brownish-red roach, they are the largest species Idahoans will encounter, ranging from 1 ¼ inch to 2 ⅛ inches.


Most native species of earwigs are actually benign (10 such species exist in the U.S.), but the non-native European earwig is the most common species we tend to see around our homes.  Although earwigs are unsightly, they cause little harm compared to most pests. To be sure, a large population in your garden can damage raspberries and budding plants. However, they can benefit a garden by eating the aphids that feed on your plants!

Fleas and Ticks

Fleas and ticks most commonly enter a home through pets, though humans can also bring them in. While both species can carry diseases, they are not as common in Idaho as in more humid states. Ensuring pets are up to date on all flea-prevention measures is the most effective way to keep fleas out of your home. Flea saliva tends to cause allergic reactions in most humans, leading to itchy and rashed skin. 

Ticks are most active in the spring but persist throughout the summer and fall. Ticks tend to prefer latching on in hairy parts of the body. To remove ticks, use tweezers by grasping the head as close to the skin as possible and pulling away. 


While being mostly a nuisance, flies can pose health risks mainly by contaminating food with germs. Plenty of home remedies or simple solutions exist that can lessen or eliminate flies in your home. Examples include: 

  • Using apple cider vinegar and dish soap to trap them. Put the vinegar and a bit of soap in a glass, cover the brim with plastic wrap taped or rubber-band around the rim, then poke holes in the plastic wrap. Flies can get it, but they won’t be able to get out.
  • Purchase a well-reviewed fly trap. Traps that are designed to catch flies can be very effective.
  • Hiring a professional pest control company.


Idaho ranks much lower in mosquito counts than many places in the United States, but we still have them! Although mosquitoes are mostly annoying, they are also dangerous becuase they can carry diseases like West Nile Virus, the most common mosquito-borne disease in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 


The most common Idaho spiders are wolf spiders, black spiders, cellar spiders, and hobo spiders. Like many pests, they often move indoors when the weather outside begins to cool.  Want to learn about how to keep spiders out of your home or facts about spiders? Check out our blog!

Stinging Insects

Wasps, bees, and hornets can make an outdoor space feel perilous, especially if you have young children who enjoy wandering and playing in your yard. Bees are often attracted to sweet and sugary substances, so don’t leave sweet drinks out that might draw them to your patio! Meat also attracts many stinging insects, so clean up promptly eating outside to minimize the number of bees and wasps.

Common stinging insects in Idaho:

  • Honey Bees: Although honey bees are one of many species of bees, they are by far the most popular among us humans. They are most active in the late spring and summer.
  • Paper Wasps: Paper wasps get their name from the papery nests they construct by combining their saliva with wood and plant fibers.
  • Mud Daubers: These wasps build their nests with mud and are long and impossibly slender.
  • Yellow Jackets: Though they look similar to bees, yellow jackets have no hair on their abdomen and have a narrower body than bees. They are also social, sharing a nest with other yellow jackets.
  • Hornets: Hornets also make nests of a papery-looking substance, and like to locate their nests high in trees or in the rafters of man-made structures.

Get Rid of and Prevent Bugs in Your Home

Bugs are everywhere, but when they get into your home, it can be a headache. Although many DIY and home remedies exist, a surefire solution is to call a pest control professional like Vertex Pest Control. Dealing with invasive insects is our bread and butter, so we’ve developed strategies to get rid of them as efficiently and effectively as possible. Don’t want to fight an infestation on your own? Give Vertex a call, or see what areas of Idaho we service

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